Transition Stress-free and Safely with SHPP
As the world navigates these challenging and stressful times with COVID-19, we are aware that families and communities are still in need of assistance with a safe and stress-free transition into senior living.Senior Home Purchase Program® understands the health and well-being of our seniors is critically important, especially right now. We are mindful of the uncertainty this health emergency is having on the senior population we serve. Fortunately, SHPP has inherent safety measures already in place, such as very limited (or none if necessary) in-person interactions as well as no open houses or showings. Additionally, we are taking extended measures in light of recommendations by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) to limit exposure and maintain a healthy environment for our customers. We want you to know SHPP is available to assist and safely provide our services to seniors and their families!

Step 1: Complimentary SAFE Home Visit
Meet with an SHPP Advisor at the customer’s home so our team can gather additional information about their home. Our Advisor will practice all safety measures as recommended by CDC (gloves, face mask, and staying 6ft away from our customer) or offer virtual meetings with customers who prefer to limit their exposure at this time.

Step 2: Commitment-free Offer
Within 7 days from the Virtual Home Visit, our SHPP Advisor will present the customer with a commitment-free offer. Included in the offer will be a simple, clear analysis of their home.

Step 3: Certain Closing
Customers can choose their closing date and move on their timeline.